Grassroots Advocacy & Activism

We share information and encourage community engagement through our active presence.

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Mission & Values

Our core values support our democracy:

● Free & Fair Elections: When we elect our officials freely and fairly, our voices count and the will of the people rules.

● Equality: We are all equal. Everyone deserves the opportunity to thrive without privilege or preference for some over others.

● Free Speech: We have the right to express ourselves without censorship of the spoken or written word.

● Free Press: A free press unfettered by political party or government is empowered to tell the truth and hold elected officials accountable.

● Public Education: A public system imparts factual knowledge and critical thinking skills needed for informed citizenship and personal success.

Grassroots Focus

We started in 2017 as a chapter of the national Indivisible movement to resist the Trump agenda. Over time, we have expanded our scope to include local and Washington state grassroots activism. We partner with other political and community organizations that share our values, such as the Clark County Democratic Party, MoveOn-Clark County, and the NAACP-Vancouver.

How We Operate

As a self-organizing group, IGV does not espouse a specific set of policy positions. We volunteer according to our interests and abilities, and our leadership team is self-appointed. We organize through committees and make decisions by consensus. As new members join our chapter, we welcome their participation on our leadership team. Hundreds of community members have attended our public meetings since 2017, and many have joined IGV. We conduct regular public meetings and events throughout the year. We will update our “Events” page for 2025 by mid-December 2024.