Best Size for General Meetings? What to Consider as Demand Increases

We were at full capacity in our February general meeting. The empty seats were filled when more people arrived.

Our March 13 general meeting has filled to capacity, but you can still participate in our progressive community by forming smaller, neighborhood groups for connection and activism. We will send the March 13 slides and related materials to everyone on our email list the day after our general meeting, so they will have the information we'll deliver at the meeting. (If you are not on that list, please visit our contact page.) 

We will also create a page on our website listing the neighborhood group that's closest to you. Watch our action emails to learn when that information becomes available, which will be soon. 

We have heard those of you asking us for larger meetings and online meetings. Behind the scenes, we are building a larger team to serve our activist community. We are discussing options and evaluating the advantages and disadvantages of our current meeting space vs. holding meetings in a larger space.

Our monthly in-person meetings are interactive to help build community. In a larger room, we would lose the ability to break out into small group conversations that report back to the entire group. There is a similar challenge with online meetings, where interaction is limited unless we create virtual break-out rooms. We don't currently have the team in place to support that online experience. A larger meeting would accommodate more people, but the information flow would be more one-way.

We are with you, doing everything we can to resist the Trump/Musk agenda. We ask for your patience as we grow. We ask you to take the actions promoted on our website and through our frequent take action emails and social media posts. We also encourage you to join or form a local group for mutual support and action.