Image by Shelby Murphy Figueroa @shelbyfigueroa at
Organizations That Support Progressive Action
This page lists organizations that promote a progressive agenda in our diverse, multicultural United States of America. Please contact us to suggest additional organizations that are allgned with the mission of Indivisible Greater Vancouver.
Clark County Democrats
Democrats in Clark County are focused not only on good, living wage jobs, but clean air and water, affordable health care, solid public education, livable communities, and a respect for individual rights that we cherish as our American birthright. Although the party has made progress in the last century to expand rights from the few to the many, we continue to stand together to increase equality in the workplace and in our personal lives. Whether your family is new to America or has deep roots, whether or not your family looks like the one next door, we invite you to help weave a stronger county, state, and nation where respect rather than fear is the fiber that holds us together.
Fuse Washington
Our goals at Fuse are to help progressives win more often and give ordinary people a strong voice in politics. We aim to provide organizing and communications power that helps progressives win today and tomorrow on critical issues and electoral campaigns, while strengthening the foundation for increased success over time.
Indivisible is a grassroots movement of thousands of local Indivisible groups with a mission to elect progressive leaders, rebuild our democracy, and defeat the Trump and MAGA agenda.
In January 2017, as we were still absorbing the shock of Trump’s election, one of our current leaders saw an article in The New York Times about an organization started by two former congressional staffers. They had just published The Indivisible Guide, a playbook for resisting the Trump agenda. We learned through the grapevine that other like-minded citizens had arranged to meet at a local pub and form a local chapter. So many people showed up that we had to improvise and move our meeting to a much larger space at a local church. And so we began.
Today, we work together with other local, progressive groups and Indivisible chapters across the state and in nearby Portland to defend our democracy.
Washington Indivisible Network (WIN)
The Washington Indivisible Network is a way for local chapters in Washington to pool resources and take action at the statewide level.
League of Women Voters of Clark County
The League of Women Voters of Clark County is part of a national organization that was formed more than 104 years ago and is not for women only! We are proudly nonpartisan and never align ourselves with candidates or parties. Instead, we promote knowledge of the political process, celebrate political participation by citizens across the political spectrum, and encourage the necessary democratic values of rule of law, civil discourse, and respect for truth as modeled by our process for developing policy positions.
The Lincoln Project
The Lincoln Project is dedicated to the preservation, protection, and defense of democracy. It is founded by former Republican strategists who understood the grave threat of Trumpism to our nation. The project team has expanded to include individuals from across the political spectrum.
LULAC - League of United Latin American Citizens of SW Washington
LULAC is growing in the Pacific Northwest, where the changing demographics call for grassroots organization to effectively address local, state, and regional issues. Through the power of organizing and collaborating, community leaders come together to continue the legacy of those before us who defined Latino history of this country.
Whether it’s supporting a candidate, passing legislation, or changing our culture, MoveOn members are committed to an inclusive and progressive future. We envision a world marked by equality, sustainability, justice, and love. And we mobilize together to achieve it.
Vancouver WA MoveOn
The Vancouver chapter consists of organized, community-minded people working together to influence national and local politics. Every voice and hour volunteered makes a difference in the cause.
NAACP Vancouver Washington
The National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) exists to achieve equity, political rights, and social inclusion by advancing policies and practices that expand human and civil rights, eliminate discrimination, and accelerate the well-being, education, and economic security of Black people and all persons of color.
Whole Washington
Formed in November 2016, Whole Washington is a grassroots coalition of healthcare professionals and volunteers from all over Washington State. We organize and support efforts at both the national and state level. The ultimate goal is a national, single payer system, and we endorse Medicare for All.
Young Dems of Clark County
We engage, empower, and mobilize the voices of progressives under the age of 36 across Clark County. Our pillars are liberalism, equity, and politics that further the collective vision of our community. Finally, we secure the civic process for our generation and work to build up the next.
Climate Action
ACE - Action for the Climate Emergency
ACE educates, inspires and supports young people to lead the fight for their future. We ensure they have everything they need to understand the science and advocate for solutions to the climate emergency. We envision a world in which a global movement, rich in youth leadership, has turned the tide on climate change. We believe an equitable, biodiverse, carbon neutral future is still within reach if we, the people, compel our leaders to act.
LGBTQ+ Activism, Support and Sanctuary
PFLAG has been around for more than 50 years and was founded by Jeanne Manford, the mother of a gay son, Morty Manford, a prominent activist who was assaulted at the infamous Stonewall raid, a foundational event. PFLAG was originally called “Parents, Families, and Friends of Lesbians and Gays,” and changed its name to PFLAG in 2014 to include all members of the LGBTQ+ community.
LGBTQ+ people are a scapegoat under attack by the Trump regime, and many are scared. The local PFLAG chapter is putting together a website that we will link. You can contact the local chapter at
We encourage allies of the LGBTQ+ community to wear a safety pin with colored beads, or a rainbow pin or badge or ribbon that shows that you are someone with whom they can feel safe.
Getting Out the Vote
Activate America
Activate America is part of Indivisible Greater Vancouver’s postcard program. They target specific candidates and issues and mail postcards continuously up until the general election. They also offer textbanking and phonebanking campaigns.
Focus For Democracy
Focus for Democracy is a non-profit that empowers donors by applying research to vet organizations with proven and cost-effective results. They are laser-focused on winning the swing states with efforts that have the highest impact for dollars spent. They meet online via Zoom approximately monthly.
Oath is an app that empowers donors to give more strategically by making data-driven recommendations about where your dollars have maximum impact.
Postcards to Swing States - Progressive Turnout Project
Indivisible Greater Vancouver uses Postcards to Swing States in our postcarding program. You can also order free postcards directly, write them yourself, and mail them just before the election. Research shows up to a 1.3% increase in Democratic turnout!
Republican Voters Against Trump
Republican Voters Against Trump collects testimonials from people who voted for Trump in the past but now refuse to vote for him. We need all the pro-democracy voters we can get to defeat MAGA. You can share these powerful testimonials for free on social media to spread the word and help win over conservative, independent, and undecided voters.
Sister District Project
“Sister District’s mission is to build enduring progressive power in state legislatures. We do so by winning urgent elections each year, and building Democratic infrastructure for the long-term. “
First Nations
Confluence connects you to the history, living cultures, and ecology of the Columbia River system through Indigenous voices. We are a community-supported nonprofit that works through six art landscapes, educational programs, and public gatherings in collaboration with northwest tribes, communities, and the celebrated artist Maya Lin.
Native Youth and Family Center (NAYA)
“Founded by the community, for the community, NAYA is a family of numerous tribes and voices who are rooted in sustaining tradition and building cultural wealth. We provide culturally-specific programs and services that guide our people in the direction of personal success and balance through cultural empowerment. Our continuum of lifetime services create a wraparound, holistic healthy environment that is Youth Centered, Family Driven, Elder Guided.”
Naya Engagement, Advocacy and Policy: “By partnering with other diverse Native and mainstream organizations, we are able to strengthen the fabric of our Native voice throughout the region. Our robust community engagement program seeks to register our community members to vote, provide voter education, and opportunities for engagement at the local and statewide levels.”